Rabu, 14 November 2012

Example of Hortatory Exposition Text

Use Internet Wisely!
Internet is one of important devices in the world. Because it’s  connect some people in the world and we can find some information from it. As internet users, I think we must use internet wisely, because the internet have some positive impact and negative impact.
In the positive impact, we know that we can get some news when browsing the internet. But in the other side, some people try to avoid using internet. Because they think that internet gives some negative impact such as: make eye sore, wasting time, make people isolated, etc.
Considering some facts mentioning above, use internet wisely with the following tips:
·       Firstly, limit the time when using internet
·       Secondly, choose what we need cleverly
·       Lastly, don’t use internet overtime, just do socialization with friends

Name: Indri Lestari (19)
Class: IX-H
Paragraph 1=Thesis
Paragraph 2=Argument
Paragraph 3=Recommendation

Kamis, 01 November 2012

Example of Informal Letter 1

25th October 2012

Dear Indra,

How are you? I hope you are feeling better. What are you doing during the holidays this year? I’m writing this letter to tell you about my activity during the holidays.
Do you know? My sister and I were watching a movie once every week and even twice a week! Of all the films I've watched with her, I'm most like ' The Dark Knight Rises '. This Film is amazing. I recommend you watch this movie soon!
In addition to watching movies, we also play games and read a novel. Our favorite novels which often we read is  ' Dead Girl Series’ from the ' Dead Girl Walking ' to the ' Dead Girl Dancing '. Although the novel does not make sense but it has an interesting storyline and have many moral messages.
It seems like I've been telling you about too much of my holiday. Please write soon and tell me about your holidays. I miss you.
